The founder, a former banker, was perpetually chasing the perfect shirt and after several trips to Madison Avenue boutiques, he discovered that a great-fitting store bought shirt matching

The level of customization, construction and price makes going the bespoke route with Alexander West a no brainer. The shirts range from about $95 to $150, which considering the price of some off-the-rack shirts out there, is pretty great. Custom cuff links range from $110 - $125.
If you are in NYC, you are in luck. You can get right into the store and have your measurements taken. Other options:
- send in your best fitting shirt, which they will then reproduce
- visit your local seamstress/tailor, have them take your measurements based off Alexander West's measurement instructions
- take your own measurements! scary for most men, they offer the first shirt as a "test shirt"... if you aren't happy with it, they will fix it till it fits perfectly or you can get a full