I have been a long time fan of U2.
Ever since I heard the song "Sunday Bloody Sunday" on the radio when I was around the age of 8, I developed this longing for more of Bono's voice. So what's an 8 year old to do? The answer - find a blank tape, wait endlessly till the song comes back on the radio and record. That poor tape did not know what it had coming. I then discovered the much admired album, Joshua Tree... I fell even more in love.
When I heard the painful song, "Get On Your Boots", I was sort of embarrassed for them. And then, I felt cheated. What happened to U2? Oh well. What can I expect. Live Nation owns their blood and Bono thinks he's Ghandi of some sort.
Below is New York Magazine's review of the new album.

U2, No Line on the Horizon
Official release date: February 27
The Verdict: Even after five or six listens this morning, the songs on U2's No Line on the Horizon, which leaked sometime overnight, mostly just seem to blend into one long, interminable, mid-tempo dirge (the fact that "Magnificent," "Moment of Surrender," and "Unknown Caller" — the album's three longest, most interminable dirges — are sequenced together into one boring, twenty-minute block probably doesn't help). We didn't love "Get On Your Boots," but it's certainly more interesting than the only other two upbeat-ish tracks, "Stand Up Comedy" and "I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight," both of which are as clunky as their titles might imply. Good thing we didn't have our hopes up.
(via: NY Mag)