Seven Ways to Heaven on Earth Day 2009
April 22 is the 39th annual Earth Day! If you let this one come and go without doing some good work to celebrate the day, well, you just might not get into heaven. But don't worry: We're here to help! We confirmed with the eco angels (green wings, pesticide-free cotton gowns, and fair-trade halos) that the following seven activities will confirm your seat at that big sustainable feast in the sky.1. Get out and DO something -- then tell us about it!
Check in with your local Sierra Club chapter to see if there's an event you can help out with or attend (we bet there is). Other ways to find local events include the federal government's Earth Day page, and the Environmental Protection Agency's Earth Day site, where in some regions you can also post your event. There's also the Earth Day Network.
Then tell us about what you did in the Earth Day 2009 group on our new Climate Crossroads social networking site. If you took pictures, share the photos, too!
2. Shine the light on an eco hero
We're quite proud of Sierra Club staffers who have recently been honored for their excellent work -- National Coal Campaign Director Bruce Nilles in Rolling Stone, and Cool Cities Campaign Coordinator Cammy Watkins in Glamour. We'd love to know about the people in your life who inspire you -- in big and small ways -- to live more lightly on the planet. Tell us about them in our Earth Day 2009 group on Climate Crossroads.
3. One fish, two fish, good fish, unsustainable fish
Are you doing your best when it comes to your seafood consumption? Your laundry? Your love life? Take our popular "How Green is My..." quizzes, and challenge your friends to do the same.
4. Green library and a weekly nudge
Visit our brand spankin' new Green Tips Library and find out how to live more lightly on the Earth. You can also sign up to get a weekly digest of green tips from our Green Life e-newsletter.
5. Go to our how-to
Our short video called "Learn to Compost in Your Backyard" has been featured on YouTube and watched by over 129,000 people. It's just one of four in a series starring our own Owen Bailey. Watch 'em here, then do what Owen says! More how-to advice can be found at Sierra Club Green Home.
6. Protect a treasure, give a gift
Maybe you'd like to give someone a gift to celebrate Earth Day. If so, we've got a great suggestion: our Sponsor a Wild Place program, which lets you help preserve a wild place and let someone you love be a part of it.
7. What's heaven without your friends?
No fun, that's what! Increase your friends' chance of getting into heaven by sharing this page with them on your Facebook, MySpace, Digg, and other pages. Just click the "share" button at the top of this page and choose your site!
Bonus: Every day is Earth Day
It's always a good day to organize a fun and educational event for your community, to help folks explore green jobs, enjoy a greener lifestyle, or help keep the planet clean.
(photo via here)