While Brooke and I have over half a decade till we reach this point, I suppose we should start fine-tuning our martini making skills... we do however have two steps completed: finishing school & going back to school
via: mcsweeny
Keep in mind that all adults reach their developmental milestones at their own pace. It is important not to compare your adult's rate of development to that of his peers. The following list is meant only as a guideline and not as a cause for alarm.
By thirty-years-old, your adult will probably be able to...
Feed and maintain a house pet
Hold down a job
Maintain eye contact while speaking
Refrain from discussing high school
Cook a meal (three-course)
Make small talk
Forgive his family
Acknowledge other viewpoints (social)
Detect and respond to ambiguity
Finish schoolYour thirty-year-old adult may be able to...
Make a martini (vodka)
Tie a half-Windsor knot
Drive a manual transmission
Refrain from discussing college
Get married
File his taxes (EZ form)
Remember 5-10 friends' birthdays
Acknowledge other viewpoints (political)
Get a flu shot
Give a toast
Install storm windows
Go back to schoolSome advanced thirty-year-olds may possibly be able to...
Make a martini (gin)
File his taxes (standard 1040)
Make and keep dental appointments
Have a baby
Finish school