Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bay to Breakers

I was once a Bay to Breakers virgin, I no longer am. What is Bay to Breakers you say?

That's just a peak into what this annual San Francisco footrace entails. My legs are a bit sore, my nose a bit sunburned and still a bit in shock of what I witnessed. It far surpassed any preconceived idea of what I thought it would be. We'll see what bonnaroo has in store in a few weeks but for now, Bay to Breakers holds the glory of pure and utter craziness.

The name reflects the fact that the race starts in the downtown area a few blocks from The Embarcadero (adjacent to San Francisco Bay) and runs west through the city to finish at the Great Highway (adjacent to the Pacific coast, where breakers crash onto Ocean Beach). The city tried to institute bans on alcohol, floats and nudity this year. After much public outrage the bans were quickly lifted. In three years (2012), the city will be holding the 100th Bay to Breakers. So get prepared now, it's going to be quite the ride.